Christian König genannt Kersting
I hold a Venia Docendi for Economics and I am currently a PostDoc at the Department of Banking and Finance at the University of Innsbruck. My research interest is mainly decision making under risk and uncertainty in finance contexts. In addition, I have done some research on social norms and conducted large scale meta-research projects on the peer review process and wisdom of the crowd prediction aggregation.
In February 2025, I am going to visit Andre Lot at the University of Sydney. I visited Anna Dreber Almenberg and Magnus Johannesson at the Stockholm School of Economics in February 2024. I visited Gabriele Camera and his colleagues at the Economic Science Institute at Chapman University in February 2023. In January 2023, I visited Mario Malički and the team of the Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford.
Before joining the University of Innsbruck, I received my doctorate degree from Heidelberg University's Alfred-Weber-Institute for Economics. I have previousy obtained a Master's degree in Economics from Heidelberg University and a Bachelor's degree in International Business Administration from the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. During my undergraduate studies, I studied at Hawai'i Pacific University for two semesters.
My CV is available for download here.

Journal Articles
Attribution to anthropogenic causes helps prevent adverse events (2024)
with Florian Diekert and Timo Goeschl, Journal of the Association of Environmental & Resource Economists, forthcoming.
Experimenting with Financial Professionals (2024)
with Christoph Huber and Matteo Marini, Journal of Banking & Finance, 170, 107329.
On the robustness of social norm elicitation (2024)
Journal of the Economic Science Association, 10, 531-543.
Financial professionals and climate experts have diverging perspectives on climate action (2024)
with Elisabeth Gsottbauer and Michael Kirchler, Communications Earth and Environment, 5, 159.
A Test of (Weak) Certainty Independence (2023)
with Christopher Kops and Stefan T. Trautmann, Journal of Economic Theory, 105623.
Investment preferences and risk perception: Financial Agents versus Clients (2023)
with Luisa Kling and Stefan T. Trautmann, Journal of Banking & Finance, 106489.
Nobel and novice: Author prominence affects peer review (2022)
with Jürgen Huber, Sabiou Inoua, Rudolf Kerschbamer, Stefan Palan, and Vernon L. Smith, PNAS, 119(41), e2205779119.
News coverage: Science,
The Economist,
Le Monde,,
Der Standard,
Die Presse,
Forschung und Lehre.
Using coordination games to measure beliefs (2022)
with Franziska Heinicke and Robert Schmidt, Economics Letters, 219, 110821.
Injunctive vs. Descriptive Social Norms and Reference Group Dependence (2022)
with Franziska Heinicke and Robert J. Schmidt, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 195, 199-218.
Bank instability: Interbank linkages and the role of disclosure (2022)
with Stefan T. Trautmann and Razvan Vlahu, Journal of Banking & Finance, 134, 106353.
Value of Statistical Life Year in extreme poverty: A randomized experiment of measurement methods in rural Burkina Faso (2021)
with Stefan T. Trautmann, Yilong Xu, Bryan N. Patenaude, Guy Harling, Ali Sié, and Till Bärnighausen, Population Health Metrics, 19, 45.
Good decision vs. good results: Outcome bias in the evaluation of financial agents (2021)
with Monique Pollmann, Jan Potters and Stefan T. Trautmann, Theory and Decision, 90, 31-61.
Gender bias in the evaluation of teaching materials (2020)
with Asri Özgümüs, Holger A. Rau, and Stefan T. Trautmann, Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1074.
oTree Manager: Multi-user oTree installations made easy (2019)
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 22, 177-182.
Countercyclical risk aversion: Beyond financial professionals (2018)
with Stefan T. Trautmann, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, 18, 94-101.
Ambiguity attitudes in decisions for others (2016)
with Stefan T. Trautmann, Economics Letters, 146, 126-129.
Supplementary Analysis: Test of Order Effects in Ambiguity Attitude Measurement
Book Chapters
Experimental Finance and financial professionals (2021)
with Sascha Füllbrunn and Christoph Huber in Füllbrunn S. & Haruvy, E. (Eds.) Handbook of Experimental Finance, Edward Elgar Publishing, p. 64 - 72.
Working Papers
Do experimental asset market results replicate? High-powered preregistered replications of 17 claims (2024)
with Christoph Huber, Felix Holzmeister, Magnus Johannesson, Anna Dreber, Jürgen Huber, and Michael Kirchler, University of Innsbruck Working Papers in Economics and Statistics .
A Model of Anchoring and Adjustment for Decision-Making under Risk (2024)
with Johannes G. Jaspersen and Marc A. Ragin, SSRN.
First-Order and Higher-Order Inflation Expectations: Evidence about Households and Firms (2024)
with Pascal Kieren, Robert Schmidt, Stefan Trautmann and Franziska Heinicke, Deutsche Bundesbank Discussion Paper No 18/2024.
Adverse Experience and Behavioral Change: Natural versus Social Causes (2024)
with Florian Diekert and Timo Goeschl, AWI Discussion Paper No. 704.
Grit, Discounting, & Time Inconsistency (2023)
with Stefan T. Trautmann, University of Innsbruck Working Papers in Economics and Statistics.
Active and passive risk-taking (2020)
with Johannes Lohse and Anna Louisa Merkel, University of Innsbruck Working Papers in Economics and Statistics.
Contributions to Crowd-Sourced Research Projects
Reproducibility in Management Science (2024)
authors: Fisar, M., Greiner, B., Huber, C., Katok, E., Ozkes, A. I., & Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration, Management Science, 70(3), 1343-1356. (Member of the Reproducibility Collaboration)
I have served as an ad-hoc referee for Economic Inquiry, Experimental Economics, FACETS, Frontiers in Psychology, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of Economic Surveys, Journal of FinTech, Management Science, PLOS One, Theory and Decision.
oTree Collection
Many people have started using oTree for running experiments in the lab, online, and even in the field. This is a small collection of apps, code snippets, and other oTree related tools that I find helpful. Note that many of items below come with a citation requirement. Feel free to e-mail me suggestions.
Many oTree apps have been developed by members of the community, some of which I list below. Please note that development of oTree advances quickly. Some apps may be outdated and do not work with current verions of oTree. Others might integrate very deeply with oTree such that they can affect core functionality of have other unintended consequences. Please make sure to read and understand the code of each app, before you use it.
Bomb Risk Elicitation Task (Crosetto and Filippin, 2013)
created by Felix Holzmeister and Armin Pfurtscheller -
Bubble Game and Speculation Elicitation Tasks (Moinas and Pouget, 2013; Janssen et al., 2019)
created by Christoph Huber -
Certainty Equivalent Elictation (Abdellaoui et al., 2011)
created by Felix Holzmeister -
Equality Equivalence Test (Kerschbamer, 2015)
created by Felix Holzmeister and Rudolf Kerschbamer -
Iterative Choice List (aka Titration Method, Staircase Elicitation Procedure; Falk et al., 2016)
created by Felix Holzmeister -
Multiple Price List (Holt and Laury, 2002)
created by Felix Holzmeister -
Social Value Orientation Slider Measure (Murphy et al., 2011)
created by Paolo Crosetto, Ori Weisel, and Fabian Winter -
Direct Measurement of Temporal Discounting of Money (Attema et al., 2016)
created by Julia Rose and Michael Rose -
Time Preference Elicitation
created by Julia Rose and Michael Rose -
Example Double Auction
created by Philipp Chapkovski -
Big Five 10-item inventory (Rammstedt and John, 2007)
created by Philipp Chapkovski -
Public Good Game with Punishment (Fehr and Gächter, 2000)
created by Philipp Chapkovski -
Social Value Orientation Measure (Murphy et al., 2011)
created by Philipp Chapkovski -
Resource Allocation Mechanisms (Deferred Acceptance, Top Trading Cycles, Boston Mechanism, University of Michigan Bidding System, Gale-Shapely Pareto-dominant Market Mechanism, Random Serial Dictatorship)
created by Benjamin Pichl (Paper) -
Affect Misattribution Procedure
created by Markus Konrad -
Implicit Association Test
created by Markus Konrad -
Real Effort Tasks: Summing up N numbers (Niederle and Vesterlund, 2007), finding max of two matrices (Weber and Schram, 2017), Decoding Task (Erkal et al., 2011), counting zeros in matrix (Abeler et al., 2011); Auctions: Gift Exchange Game (Fehr et al., 1993), Double Auction (Smith 1962)
created by Essi Kujansuu and Philipp Chapkovski -
Game collection: Devil's Task (Slovic, 1966), Frog Game, Time Preference Elicitation
created by Jörn Wieber -
Public Good Game (Child Friendly)
created by Jörn Wieber -
Social Value Orientation Measures: 9-item Double Dominance (van Lange et al., 1997), Slider Measure with discreate and continuous choices (Murphy et al., 2011)
created by Dieko Bakker -
Consent Form
created by Philipp Chapkovski -
Cascade Game
created by Philipp Chapkovski -
Bargaining in Standing Committees with an Endogeneous Status Quo (Battaglini and Palfrey, 2012)
created by Salvatore Nunnari -
Bargainining in Ad Hoc Committees (Legislative Bargaining à la Baron and Ferejohn, 1989)
created by Salvatore Nunnari -
Double Auction
created by Ann-Kathrin Crede, Jan Dietrich, Jonas Gehrlein, Frauke von Bieberstein, Matthias Stürmer, and Oliver Neumann -
Leavable Wait Page
created by me, based on Custom Waiting Page for mTurk experiments. -
Multiple Price List (Holt and Laury, 2002)
created by Olaf Ghanizadeh -
Lemonade Stand Task (Ederer & Masno, 2013)
createdy by Christian Zihlmann -
Line Queuing Task (using oTree redwood)
created by Eli Pandolfo -
Generic Continuous Double Auction market (using oTree redwood)
created by Morgan Grant -
High Frequency Trading / Financial Market Experiments
created by Eric Aldrich, Hasan Ali Demirci, Morgan Grant, Patrick Toral, and Daniel Thurau at Leeps-Lab -
Infinitly Repeated Prisoners' Dilemma (as in Dal Bò and Fréchette, 2011)
created by Salvatore Nunnari -
Two-player, Cooperative, Real-Time Tile Slider Puzzle
created by me. -
Bayesian Truth Serum (Prelec 2004)
created by me. -
Online Coalition Game (three players)
created by Joeri Wissink -
Preference Survey Module (Laboratory Version as in Falk et al. 2016; Streamlined (Global) Version as in Falk et al. 2018)
created by Salvatore Nunnari and Luca Congiu -
Stated Choice Experiments
created by Luca Congiu -
Climate Change Adaptation Applications (von Bülow and Liu, 2020)
created by Catharina Wolff von Bülow and Xiufeng Liu -
Classroom Public Goods Game (with repeated, cheap talk, punishment, and threshold treatments)
created by Jantsje Mol -
All-in-Auction for Water (Zetland, 2013)
created by Jantsje Mol -
Floodgame (lab version) (Mol et al., 2020)
created by Jantsje Mol -
Floodgame (simplified for online use) (Mol et al., 2018)
created by Jantsje Mol -
Online Coalition Game
created by Joeri Wissink -
The Intergroup Prisoner's Dilemma-Maximizing Difference Game (IPD-MD) (Halevy et al., 2008)
created by hanna-freuden
Code Snippets and How-Tos
Custom data models in oTree
created by Markus Konrad -
An oTree-based flexible architecture for financial market experiments
created by Eric M. Aldrich, Hasan Ali Demirci, and Kristian López Vargas -
Randomize order of apps
created by Philipp Chapkovski -
Webcam access
created by Philipp Chapkovski -
Dynamically determined number of rounds
created by Philipp Chapkovski -
Two-axis inputs
created by Philipp Chapkovski -
Session-based language setting
created by Philipp Chapkovski -
Show instructions again if comprehension questions are not answered correctly
created by Philipp Chapkovski -
Matching Players by activity on Wait Page
created by Philipp Chapkovski -
Price and Return Charts with Highcharts
created by Christoph Huber -
ReCAPTCHA v2 in oTree 5 - new
created by me -
Hide elements and prevent reappearance on page reload
created by me. -
Perfect Stranger Matching
created by Anwar A. Ruff -
Load Testing of oTree apps using Locust
created by Philipp Chapkovski -
Channels 2.2 minimal example
created by ccrabbe -
Previous/Next Buttons for Instructions
created by Christoph Becker and me. -
File and Image Uploads
created by me. -
Track which elements players hover their mouse over
created by me. -
Connect oTree to Toloka
created by Philipp Chapkovski -
Guarantee participants on Wait Pages to stay active
created by Sharon Peled -
Export of Participant Variables
created by me. -
Multiple-Choice, Multiple-Answer Fields
created by Yaoni Wang -
Cycling through treatments
created by Yaoni Wang -
Auto-update elements from live send data using Vue.js
created by me. -
Automatically adjusting, weighted treatment assignment
created by me. -
Tabs for oTree pages - new
created by Max R. P. Grossmann -
Sliders with feedback but without anchoring - new
created by Max R. P. Grossmann -
Drypage - An easier way of handling display conditions for pages - new
created by Max R. P. Grossmann
oTree Virtual Machine Manager
created by Felix Albrecht and Tobias Raabe -
Export data from specific sessions
created by Philipp Chapkovski -
otreeutils (live view and export of custom data models, download data in JSON format, comprehension questions, easy survey creation, timeout warnings, custom url names for pages, and more.)
created by Markus Konrad -
otree2stata (Remove dots from oTree variable names for analysis in STATA)
created by me -
z-Tree and oTree Payment File Merger
created by Anwar A. Ruff -
AnonPay - Preserve participants' anonymity in the payment stage - new
created by Max R. P. Grossmann
I maintain a profile on the website of the University of Innsbruck.
My Orcid ID id is 0000-0002-9977-2232.
Christian König genannt Kersting
Innsbrucker Str. 1
6060 Hall in Tirol